01 august, 2023
in Chania, Greece
Dance Days Chania was founded in 2011 by “Syn-Kinisi” association of expressive dance during a profound socioeconomic and cultural crisis in Crete, a crossroad of Mediterranean cultures. The intention is to host artists, choreographers and dancers from all over the world. The program includes performances, workshops, video dance screenings, lectures- conferences, and events for all ages. Dance Days Chania lives through its volunteers and invests in collaboration and co-creation. People of dance and other artists, from Greece and worldwide are present and support this festival.
25 august, 2023
in Stuttgart
With the continuation of the INTERVENTIONS 2023 program series, ensembles and individual artists from Stuttgart’s independent scene will once again artistically open up the four halls of the historic water reservoir in the east of Stuttgart through sound, performances and installations and make them accessible to the public as a cultural venue.
It is here, Elena and Stella will perform a new creation, 'Apnea', on the occasion of the 'Interventionen 23 - Installation & performance & Klangwelten' organised by the Freie Tanz- und TheaterSzene Stuttgart at the historic Stuttgart reservoir.
“lange nacht”
10/11 november, 2023
in Karlsruhe
The dance scene in and around Karlsruhe once again presents itself with many groups with approximately ten-minute pieces. The classic dance festival - promises to be a colorful mosaic of modern, classical and experimental dance, drama and acoustic spaces.
25 NOVEMBER, 2023
Theatre Rampart
From November 22nd to 26th, 2023 you can expect an enormous variety of intercultural productions from Stuttgart and the region. Professional and semi-professional artists with an international history will bring their performances, their art, their literature, their music into the foyers and halls, onto the walls, onto the stages of cultural institutions in Stuttgart .
“Biennale Internationale de la Danse en Côte d'Ivoire”, 2023
23/30 september
Ivory Coast, Africa
The second chapter of the trilogy, featuring Stella Covi as performer, has recently been selected to reach its most accomplished form at the 'Biennale Internationale de la Danse en Côte d'Ivoire' (Africa) choreographic residency and coaching, which will take place in September 2023.
“Solo Choreo 2024”
13 march 2024
The second chapter of the trilogy, featuring Stella Covi as performer, has been selected to be performed in the “Solo Choreo” competition, based in Stuttgart.
in Santa Maria de Feira, Portugal
23-26 May 2024
Mais Imaginarius is a section that aims to give space to emerging artists willing to show their work, through a competition for artistic creations specific for the public place.
The competition opens the challenge for artists to present proposals that address the public space in its most diverse perceptions, testing formats and models, towards the construction of plural identities. In a dialogue between contemporary artistic creation and public space, it seeks experimentation, exploring new connections between different languages and cultural/natural heritage.

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